Motor Vehicle Regulations
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The motor vehicle regulations are applicable to everyone operating or parking a motor vehicle on properties of Voorhees University. All traffic rules shall be enforced on all college premises at all times of the day and night throughout the calendar year. The Voorhees University Police Department is authorized and empowered to enforce these motor vehicle regulations.
- All motor vehicles using college parking facilities must have a permanent decal or temporary permit valid for the time period indicated. Decals must be affixed to the front windshield of the vehicle.
- Visitors must obtain a parking permit from the Office of Student Affairs or Security Hut.
- Registration of vehicles is to be completed at the beginning of each semester or summer session and within five (5) days after the date of employment for new faculty or staff
- Any student, faculty, or staff member with a physical disability may apply to the Office of Student Affairs or Security Hut for consideration in obtaining special parking privileges.
- Double-parking is prohibited at all times.
- Vehicles shall not be parked in such a manner as to obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic, wheelchair ramps, interfere with normal operational activities, or create a hazard. Vehicles so parked will be towed at the owner’s expense.
- Parking on grass, sidewalks, loading zones, or on roadways (except where specifically marked for parking) is prohibited. The fact that a person parks in an unauthorized space or area and does not receive a citation does not mean that the regulation is no longer in effect.
- Any vehicle parked on campus is parked at the risk of the owner.
- Overnight parking of any vehicle is prohibited unless special permission is granted by the College Police Department.
- Disabled or abandoned vehicles which constitute a traffic or safety hazard are subjected to be towed away at the owner’s expense. This also applies to vehicles abandoned on campus for more than 48-hours. Locating a legal parking space is the responsibility of the vehicle’s operator. Lack of a parking space will not be considered a valid excuse for violation of any parking regulation.
- Unauthorized persons parking vehicles in “handicapped” spaces are subject to a fine of $100 and having the vehicle towed at the owner’s expense. Temporary “handicapped” parking permission may be obtained by contacting the Office of Student Affairs or Security Hut.
- Regulations concerning loading zones will be enforced at all times. All vehicles or operators involved in traffic, parking/non-moving, and decal violations may be ticketed by University Police Officers. The citation shall show the nature of the violation and the number of the issuing officer. The person to whom the decal is registered will be held responsible for violations. If the violator cannot be identified, then the registered owner will be held responsible.
- A fine for use of lost or stolen permits will be applied, and parking privileges will be revoked for the remainder of the permit year at the discretion of the Police Chief and/or the Parking Appeals Committee.
- All persons receiving citations for non-moving violations shall pay such charges in person or by mail to the Cashier’s Office.
- Unpaid Tickets will result in:
- Withhold parking and driving privileges on college property.
- Prevent the person from registering as a student.
- Withhold delivery of transcripts or degrees.
- A vehicle may be towed if it:
- Has three tickets or fines.
- Is blocking traffic or creating a hazard.
- Belongs to a person whose on-campus parking privileges have been revoked.
- Is parked in a designated tow-away zone.
- Is illegally parked in a handicapped space.
- Is illegally parked in a fire lane or in front of a dumpster.
- Is apparently abandoned.
- Is involved in a crime or is potential evidence.
- Is left unattended due to the arrest of the driver.
- Any and all charges against the vehicle must be satisfied prior to releasing the vehicle.
- Wrecker services removing vehicles from the college are entitled to payment.
- The University’s speed limit is posted at all main roads.
- All operators of vehicles are expected to operate vehicles in a responsible manner.
- Pedestrians shall have the right of way at designated crosswalks at all times.
- The Parking Ticket Appeals Committee will hear the appeals of employees, students, and visitors. Appeals information is printed on all parking ticket.
- The University does not assume any responsibility for motor vehicles or their contents while they are operated or parked on College property. Copies of the Parking Rules and Regulations and schedules of fees for parking, decals, permits, are available from the Office of Student Affairs or Security Hut.