Office of the Provost

Provost's Scope of Responsibilities
The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is the chief academic officer for Voorhees University, providing leadership for matters that affect academic programs, research, and outreach involving faculty, students, and staff. The Provost oversees the quality of programs of instruction and research through collaborative work with Department Chairs, Academic Leadership Team and other members of the Executive Cabinet, addressing issues such as effective planning, good management, and program reviews. Additionally, the Provost is responsible for overseeing academic and budgetary planning and priorities.
The Provost helps ensure the quality of the faculty by administering and monitoring procedures and criteria for faculty appointments and promotions, working conditions, and tenure. The Provost works to ensure the quality of student learning by overseeing the curriculum and encouraging and coordinating initiatives. In addition, the Provost facilitates academic assistance in recruitment and admissions efforts.
Additionally, the Provost serves as the College’s SACSCOC (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges) Accreditation Liaison. Among other accreditation priorities, the Provost is responsible for ensuring that compliance with accreditation requirements are incorporated into the planning and evaluation process of the institution and serving as a resource person during the decennial review process and helping prepare for and coordinating reaffirmation and other accrediting visits.
Dr. Angela Peters
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
(803) 780-1026
Voorhees University
Massachuetts Hall (Office)
Denmark, SC 29042

Presidential Charge
Relationship to College’s Mission and Presidential Focus: The Mission of Voorhees University is to produce highly qualified graduates who coalesce intellect and faith in pursuit of life-long learning, healthy living, the betterment of society, and an abiding faith in God. In accordance with the mission, Dr. W. Franklin Evans, the 9 th President of Voorhees University has issued the charge and call to action articulated through the mantra: Begin. Believe. Become. President Evans believes and expects that Voorhees College will be nationally recognized as a premier, comprehensive liberal arts institution focused on student success, excellence and integrity. In this quest, greater emphasis will be placed on high performing learners, highly-accomplished faculty and staff, an involved community, and a supportive and dedicated alumni base. To that end, the Office of the Provost and Division of Academic Affairs seeks to re-design, launch, and elevate co-curricular and experiential learning programs at Voorhees University leading to Academic Excellence and Distinction.
The priorities encompassing the comprehensive program launch is designed to develop and offer curricular enhancement, co-curricular and experiential learning activities, and guided career pathways that will strengthen the preparation of our students for their chosen career fields, maximize their potential for success through increased opportunities, develop the faculty, maximize curricular, co-curricular, and experiential student engagement, locally, nationally, and internationally. The priorities of the Office of the Provost and Division of Academic Affairs is primarily comprised of five (5) foci which seek to enhance and develop the following:
First Year Experience Programs, Career Pathways Initiative, Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research, Office of International Studies and Programs; and, Distance Learning, Off-Campus Instructional Sites, and Evening and Weekend Programs.