Wright-Potts Library
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Located in the center of the historic Voorhees campus, Wright-Potts Library is also a hub of campus academic activity. In addition to being a nice place to study, with study groups, meetings, and special events, there’s always something buzzing at The Beehive. Here’s a bit of what we have to offer.
We have 28 student-use computers with internet access and printing capability. To use a computer, simply present your college ID card and sign in at the front desk; computers are available on a first come, first serve basis. Black and white printing is available at no charge for academic work.
We have over 50,000 books available on just about any topic imaginable. To check out a book, bring your college ID to the front desk and ask for a library account. Books in the main circulating collection upstairs can be checked out for 30 days, and renewed for another 30 days through the end of the semester. There is a 10¢ fine per day for each book that is overdue.
African American Collection
This special collection is made up of several hundred unique books about African American history and culture. The collection is located on the second floor of the library, and the books are available for check out.
Library Orientation
Want your students to learn more about how to use the library and its resources? You can request a class orientation session with the Reference Librarian (please make reservation 24 hours in advance).
Meeting Rooms
The Library has several meeting spaces, including two with large-screen televisions. Rooms are reserved on a first come, first serve basis and in accordance with the campus Facility/Activity Request policy. See library staff for details.