Written Student Complaint

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Procedures for Students to Follow When Filing a Written Complaint
Students who are participating in a university-sponsored event at the time of an incident may use the procedures set forth by Voorhees University. The person filing the grievance must be the alleged victim of unfair treatment, but a grievance cannot be filed on behalf of another person. The existence of this procedure does not bar students from also filing claims in other forums to the extent permitted by state or federal law.
The resolution process described below must be initiated and completed within 45 business days of the decision, action, or events giving rise to the grievance. The Vice President for Student Affairs or the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs may extend this time limit if the grievant makes the request for extension within the 45 business days’ period, for good cause.
1. The Vice President for Student Affairs, Dean of Students or Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs are the individuals to whom all students may submit their written complaints. Students’ complaints must:
a. State how the decision or action is unfair and harmful to the student and list the Voorhees University policy or state or federal laws that have been violated, if applicable;
b. Name the person(s) against whom the grievance is filed;
c. State how the person(s) is responsible for the action or decision; and
d. State the requested resolutions.
2. The Vice President for Student Affairs, Dean of Students or Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs receive the written and signed students’ complaints. The complaint must be addressed within 10 business days from the received day, and a decision must be submitted to the grievant. If a student completes the complaint form online, all three (3) administrators will receive the document by email. If it becomes evident that the complaint has not been filed within the time limit, or is not a grievance matter under this procedure, or is from a person without grievance rights as outlined above, the applicable administrator shall indicate in a letter that the complaint does not constitute a grievance and the complaint shall be dismissed.
3. If the complaint satisfies the above elements, it is referred to the head of the appropriate administrators or to one of the planning/standing committees of the University for advisement and policy clarification.
4. After an interview with the student, a written response is provided to the student based on the University’s policies and procedures within 10 business days. A student’s complaint and written response are forwarded to the President of the University within five (5) business days.
A student may appeal the University’s response by writing, to the President of the University within ten (10) business days of receiving the response. The President will review the complaint, the response, and consult appropriate university personnel for additional information. The President will notify the student in writing of the final decision regarding the appeal and the complaint.
All complaints and relevant documents are permanently housed in the Office of the Dean of Students.