Health Services

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Creating a healthy environment means doing more than offering educational programs and promoting good choices. At Voorhees University, the aim of the Health Services Department is to integrate healthy habits into the culture of campus life by supporting you academically, socially and personally. It’s support that empowers you by giving you the tools you need to make healthy decisions while in college and beyond.
How do we do that?
Health Services has trained educators to teach you how to stay in good physical shape – lessons that will benefit you for the rest of your life. We offer information on common concerns, ranging from stress to the effects of alcohol. We provide services, ranging from minor first aid to referrals for more serious issues. We help you with screenings, whether it’s an eye exam or a blood pressure check. All of this combines to form a package designed to focus on all the elements – mind, body and soul – involved in keeping the human body healthy. And we hope that package creates not only healthy students, but also healthy graduates for years to come.
Our Mission:
To maximize the use of staff, faculty, parents, and other stakeholders to serve our students through the delivery of quality activities and services. To use the available resources in collaboration and the coordination of other departments to help develop a productive, well-rounded student to enter into the working world.
Department Goals:
To create an active on-campus living space, ensure student learning and exposure to different opportunities that are available, and enhance the relationship between housing and other departments on campus.



Counseling Services
Required Vaccinations:
- Required Vaccinations
- Two doses of MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella combined)
- OR measles vaccine (two doses), mumps vaccine (one dose) and rubella vaccine (one dose)
- Measles vaccines must have been given after Jan. 1, 1968 and after your first birthday.Â
- Mumps and rubella vaccines must have been given after Jan. 1, 1969 and after your first birthday.
- Students born before Jan. 1, 1957 are exempt.
- Three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine
- One dose of tetanus booster within the past 10 years
- Required Vaccinations
Recommended Vaccinations:
- Meningococcal vaccine – one doseÂ
- Influenza vaccine (one dose given annually). This vaccine is particularly recommended for those students with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, a heart problem or asthma or with conditions that affect the immune system.
- Skin test for tuberculosis. It’s highly recommended for those in high-risk categories:
- Those who might have been exposed to someone with tuberculosis. International students from high-incidence areas including Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and Central and South America, regardless of previous BCG vaccination.
- Students with weakened immune systems from disease or medications. Students who are HIV positive.
- Students who are intravenous drug users.
- Immunizations usually are available at local health departments. Most are free, though some require a fee.