Office of Institutional Effectiveness Assessment Research

studentwalking thecampus

The Mission

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness Research (IER) supports the mission, values, and commitments of Voorhees University by providing institutional research and leadership in the areas of accreditation and assessment. IER collects, analyzes, warehouses, and disseminates data to facilitate institutional planning, policy formation, and decision-making at the program, department, division, school, and university levels.

Meet The Team

DepartmentHeadshot Placeholder

Dr. Corey Amaker

Vice President for Strategic Planning, Assessment, and Technology

(803) 780-1051

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Dr. Sherry Hopkins

Director, Institutional Assessment, Research and Quality Enhancement

(803) 780-1036

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Mr. Damian Farmer

Chief Technology Officer

(803) 780-1209

DepartmentHeadshot Placeholder

Mr. Edward Green

institutional effectiveness assessment coordinator

(803) 780-1050

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